Welcome to NetAI Research Group
led by Dr. Omar Alhussein
Accepting PhD applications!
Research Interests
- Network intelligence, protocol design, semantic communications and learning
- Large-language models for the network, distributed learning, information-bottleneck theory
- Explainable and responsible AI
- Quantum machine learning
July 2024
conference: Dr. Omar Alhussein and Omar Erak attended Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC in Hangzhou, China.
Seminar: Presenting seminar at SFU on native AI techniques for the network.
call for papers: Announcing Globecom 2024 workshop, the ubiquitous network intelligence for next generation wireless networks (UNI). Join us and consider submitting!
patent granted: Method and apparatus for managing network traffic via uncertainty
June 2024
accepted paper: Our latest paper on LLM-based curriculum design for mobile networks has been accepted to Proc. IEEE/CIC ICCC. Code available
submitted paper: We have submitted a vision magazine manuscript on active machine learning for 6G networks. Code available
research leave: I will be on a research leave to Simon Fraser University, Canada, for Summer 2024. Thanks to Dr. Cheng Li and Dr. Jie Liang for hosting. Looking forward to fruitful collaborations.
new intern: Welcome to Hatim Lucman, who will join for a summer internship with the KU-6GRC. His work will revolve around mobile core research and development
new undergraduate associate: Welcome to Amr Hussien (undergraduate student @KU). Amr has strong experience in LLM development and he will join the team on research on LLM for telecom.